082423 : 1742

082423 : 1742 start

posting right now is probably a bad idea. But, I’m going to have to post and keep doing this thing when I really don’t want to. This time, I really want to…. But I’m in such a mood that I believe I will get myself into trouble by just letting it fly. But it also feels necessary…. The dark hit a few days back but its grown on me. I’m in a sweet spot right now between distraction from what my project and wanting to just rip out a post to get it done. I often feel like a power plant that must release or I will melt down and sometimes my lines are blocked. Jammed. The ability of my brain to reach my fingers inabilitated. There are just to many things to say to narrow it down to one letter of the alphabet. But like I drug, I feel I have to do it. I’ll explode it I don’t. Or I’ll long to just be shut down. The state of the art is dark and perpetually spinning my wheels on the outskirts of the galaxy.

082723 : 1123

The dark attacked. I’m so used to this shit. I’m so tired of it. Anyways, I’m nearing out of it. I lost about two full days in it. I hate that.


083023 : 2148


082223 : 2017