082023 : 2116

So, here’s the deal. I’m just shy of 42 years old. I have been making stuff for more than 20 years and over that time I have tried to do a lot of different things. I’m now at place in life where I’m writing a lot again. I feel the need to try to explain myself. I don’t know if there is anyone that seeks to understand me. And I don’t know if blogging this stuff out will help or hurt that endeavor. I might just alienate the people that did think they knew me. Time will tell. But I’m guessing it’s sort of that mid-life evaluation of things and a lot of the decisions I have made have separated me from others. I don’t like that. I’m making adjustments and this is part of it.

When I was a teenager I wrote a lot. I became known as a writer in my school and was awarded English student of the year when I graduated. I wrote in the military as an analyst too. The military work was very technical writing and I had a hard time with it. The teenage writing was a journaling in poetry that I showed people. Looking back on it I kind of wish I had not shown everyone such personal stuff. But at the time, it was a confessional and I had to get some things off my chest. I feel that is a little bit of where this new season of writing is coming from. There will be a portion of the writing that will be very personal. But, I’ve also had an interesting journey with a few stories to tell. I’ve also had a lot of thoughts about what I’ve experienced on this little big earth of ours and I don’t want them all dying inside me.

So, my plan is to do nearly daily updates and upgrades on this site. I want to write about faith, art, and some personal stuff. Hopefully this can become more than just an online journal. I would like for it to be worth something to others.


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