031724 : 2139

One thing. The meditation of one. Single mindedness, single eyed and full of life. In the zone and free of distractions. Constantly? Can that even be done? I make these pledges to produce content nearly daily, but I can’t keep it up. I make this statement that in 2024 I will just keep coming back to Jesus and really make him the seeking of my heart. He will be my main project and object of attention. But, two and a half months in I have barely written anything.

But here's the deal. I’ve been busy with the things of the flesh. Not even necessarily pleasing things, just things I’ve had to do. They’ve taken my heart at times too. I’m obviously not focused on the one thing. Jesus Christ.

I’m a newly-wed. I’m also just starting in a new career field. I’m also planning to build a house next year so I’m trying to work extra hours for extra cash. I’m only going to focus on one thing, Jesus Christ. Is it possible? Even focusing on him for a bit a day seems like a challenge. But, to really make a point of writing daily on the subject of Jesus Christ…. well, that sounds like I’m going to have a hard time. But he tells me his yoke is easy and his burden is light.


011924 : 2235